We support fiat for many countries. To start such an exchange, contact an operator via chat on the site or in Telegram

The Change API

The following API is for developers who want to integrate The Change exchange features to their project.

You may request more features by contacting us.

Getting Started:

• Read the following documentation.

• Request an API key by contacting us.


General API Information

  • The base endpoint is: https://api.thechange.ltd.
  • Server time is configured as UTC.
  • All timestamps are defined in milliseconds.
  • All endpoints return a JSON object.
  • Data is returned in descending order. Newest first, oldest last.
  • All endpoints will return a Successful or an Error response.
  • Parameters definition:
    • For GET methods you need to define the parameters as a query string.
    • For POST methods you need to define the parameters as a JSON body.


To access the The Change API you need to use an API key. You can request an API key by contacting us.
The API key should be set with each API call in the HTTP headers as follows: X-API-KEY: your_api_key

Successful Response Example

successIntegerResult status (1: success, 0: error)
dataObjectThe response data object
Successful response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "success": 1,
  "data": {}