We support fiat for many countries. To start such an exchange, contact an operator via chat on the site or in Telegram

Commissions structure

Sign in to your profile
Exchange fee: 0.4%
Your monthly volume:
0 USDT (lvl 0) (lvl 1) 1 USDT
Account levelMonthly volumeExchange fee
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
≥ 50K USDT0.30%
Level 3
≥ 250K USDT0.25%
Level 4
≥ 500K USDT0.20%

Exchange fee

Once you create an account on The Change, your entire order volume is recorded and calculated on a monthly basis. Account levels and associated fees vary based on trade volume. This means that when you reach your monthly volume requirements, you upgrade to a higher tier and reduce your exchange fees.

Account Levels and Fee Structures

  • Exchange fees range from 0.4% to 0.2%, depending on your level.

  • Your level is determined based on trade volume, which is assessed monthly.

  • The relationship between commission, level and volume is shown in the commission structure table.

  • At 00:00 UTC on the first day of each month, your volume is reset to zero. But you can save your account level. The level that matches your volume for the previous month will be your starting and minimum level for the new month.

  • During this month, if you meet the volume requirements to upgrade to a higher tier, the upgrade will occur immediately. If not, you will maintain the starting level until the end of the current month. Next month you will either maintain it or it will go down - depending on which trade volume requirement you have met.